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The problem

Material UI’s drawer component is an animated sidebar. You can use it as a navigation bar or side sheet.

By default, the drawer is position: fixed, meaning it’s removed from the document flow and positioned relative to the viewport. This causes two issues:

  • The drawer is always stuck to the side of the screen
  • The drawer doesn’t respect the position of the content around it.

Solving with absolute position

You can find an absolute position solution with React here.

There are a few important aspects:

  1. Make the underlying Material UI paper position: absolute. You can assign a class to it with the classes prop on the drawer.
  2. Absolutely positioned elements place themselves relative to the nearest positioned ancestor, so make the enclosing drawer position: relative.
  3. If you want the drawer to take space and ‘push’ the content, set its width conditional to whether it’s open.
  4. Place both the content and drawer into a flexbox, allowing the width of both elements to dynamically adjust.

With an iframe

Alternatively, the Material UI drawer docs themselves render demos within an iframe.