Google Cloud Professional Cloud Developer Study Guide Notes

The Professional Cloud Developer exam covers a large, possibly unbounded, amount of content. These notes were built to cover every topic Google has suggested can be on the exam. The notes have a grey background, and each corresponds to one of the nineity-one dot-points in the official GCP Professional Cloud Developer Study Guide. All outbound links refer to Google Cloud documentation. Everything’s been sourced from A Cloud Guru, Google Cloud Training on Coursera or the Google Cloud Docs themselves....

November 24, 2021 · 19 min · Matt Lui

Material UI Drawer in a Div

Try it in CodeSandbox! ✏️️ The problem Material UI’s drawer component is an animated sidebar. You can use it as a navigation bar or side sheet. By default, the drawer is position: fixed, meaning it’s removed from the document flow and positioned relative to the viewport. This causes two issues: The drawer is always stuck to the side of the screen The drawer doesn’t respect the position of the content around it....

July 18, 2021 · 1 min · Matt Lui